Is it time you started your Reiki healing journey? If you are ready for that energetic shift you crave, Reiki will support you in this very personal, unique shift. So many people are drawn to Reiki when they are ready to elevate their vibration to the next level. Connie Rose has been training Reiki Students for nearly a decade. She delivers a clear and concise course, that will assist you in clearing your way to connect or reconnect with our universal right introduction to a new way of being, including the History of Reiki. You will be attuned to the new frequencies and vibrations with a comprehensive workbook.
REIKI LEVEL 1: is very much about SELF. An awakening experience to begin your very personal Reiki Healing Journey.
REIKI LEVEL 2: Incorporates everything you already know! You will be attuned to the next level of Reiki. After completing this level, you will be able to not only perform SELF HEALINGS, you will be able to SEND HEALINGS to others. Many people when they achieve this new vibration have deep self-realizations and a new understanding of where they are at in their lives and where they wish to move forward to. Again, you will receive the necessary Attunements and a comprehensive workbook.
REIKI MASTERS: Reiki Masters is the final chapter needed to package up your Reiki energy flow. You will be attuned to the highest Degree Symbols which connect you to the universal energy at a deeper level, whilst healing the healer at the same time. This course also includes a Psychic Attunement which enhances your psychic connection. You will be guided in setting up your own Healing Practice should you wish, or simply learn to live your new life, at a higher vibration. Each course is very individual and designed to be paced to suit your needs. Prerequisite: Completion of both levels 1 & 2.

Become a Reiki & Seichim Practitioner - in person in Greensborough and online.- Enquire about course dates now!
Reiki & Seichim Level 1
February 6th, 2025
10 am - 3 pm
March 13th, 2025
9:30 am - 2:30 pm
March 15th, 2025
9 am - 4 pm